MOM - Lee Altamirano.jpg

February 2024 MOM- Motivating Mom of the Month

We are excited to announce our MOM (Motivating Mom of the Month) for February! Each month we will take a moment to honor one of our local mamas at FIT4MOM Montgomery County. We want to highlight her efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle and for her dedication to the program.

This month we honor.....Lee Altamirano!

"I just love having Lee as part of Run Club! She shows up ready to work, she does her homework runs each week, she cheers others on, and she does all of it with a smile on her face! Lee brings such a positive energy to our group runs and through her contributions to the group, and I just love watching her progress and grow as a runner (and love our conversations too)! Way to go, Lee!" - Heather

"I love having Lee as a part of Body Well. She jumped in back in the fall and continues getting stronger one Boost class at a time. She pushes through workouts with smile on her face and never quits! Between Run Club and Body Well, she stays focused, committed and motivated to stay strong for herself and her family! Once I found out she used to live in Colorado, I knew we will always have a lot to talk about. Lee you are one strong mama, juggling all the things and showing up for yourself! Way to go !" - Ewa

1. Who are the members of your family?

My husband, Kyle, and I have Rufus who is 4 years old and Felix is 2 years old.

2. What’s your hometown, and where do you live now?

Not sure about my hometown as I’ve moved around a bunch and spent equal time in New Jersey, Michigan, California, and Colorado, but most of my family lives in northern California so I’ll go with that. I’ve lived in Silver Spring for the past 6 years and so far it’s winning as my favorite place.

3. What is/was your career?

I’m a senior manager in healthcare analytics. I work from home for a NYC based not-for-profit health insurance company where I lead a team of awesome data nerds.

4. Where is the furthest place you’ve been from home?


5. Your favorite thing to do as a family?

Get caught up in silly games. Recently, we were racing trains along the edges of our new mattresses for the kids’ bunk beds that we hadn’t finished building yet. It involved seeing if we could run in a circle around the house fast enough before the train reached the end of the mattress so that we could catch it before it fell to the floor. And it got sillier from there.

6. Favorite thing to watch on TV?

Right now, Community and Key & Peele.

7. Your favorite song or artist?

Gogol Bordello

8. List 3 of your favorite things or places.


-Snuggling in with the family for a movie night (cuz there’s no fighting, only lots of snuggles and relaxing)

-Visiting with extended family for quality time with *very* cool older cousins

9. Your proudest moment?

Finishing grad school and receiving my PhD. It took 10 long years and involved changing advisors during year 7 and working full time for the final 3 years which was insane but also is what kept me sane.

10. Any advice for other moms out there?

Always choose to put the extra effort into whatever fills your cup. For me, it’s building my community - for myself and for my kiddos. Scheduling playdates with neighborhood kids, connecting families in the neighborhood with kids of the same age. No one has the time or energy for this but everyone is overwhelmingly happy and responsive to be a part of the community that you can help to shape.

11. When was your first class with FIT4MOM, and what made you go?

Early summer of 2019 when my 1st son was about 3 months old. A friend told me about her local FIT4MOM. I had been overwhelmed with everything - forcibly attempting to make breast-feeding work, thinking I needed to literally do a song and dance to entertain my newborn, and in desperate need of a community. I found F4M Montgomery County and discovered the most amazing and impressive collection of mamas - rocking double and triple strollers at Stroller Strides with Alice Hughes in downtown Silver Spring. And my whole world opened up.

12. Your favorite F4M Montgomery County class?

Stroller Strides has a special place in my heart - singing to the kiddos and keeping them entertained as best we could while getting our workouts in.

13. Favorite exercise?

I love how I feel AFTER running and during parts of a run, so that probably is my favorite despite how it feels during the other parts. Ha.

14. How has FIT4MOM changed your life?

I credit FIT4MOM for preventing me from sinking into postpartum depression after becoming a mom. I instantly joined the best community of strong, brilliant, and supportive moms that I never knew existed nor that I realized I needed. FIT4MOM has helped me stay fit and strong so that my back no longer gives out all the time despite all of the kiddos I’m constantly carrying around and throwing into the couch repeatedly. I tell all new or expecting moms I come across about FIT4MOM.

15. What’s your favorite thing about F4M Montgomery County?

It’s hard to pick one favorite thing. Probably the incredibly supportive environment that emphasizes and practices self care as an essential part of being the moms we strive to be.


Thank you so much, Lee, for being such a valuable, dedicated member of Our Village here at FIT4MOM Montgomery County! We truly appreciate you and the positive energy you bring to classes and to Our Village!

Check back to see who our next MOM will be in March!