
November 2018 MOM-Motivating Mom of the Month

We are so excited to announce our MOM (Motivating Mom of the Month) for November! Each month we will take a moment to honor one of our local FIT4MOM Montgomery County Moms for her efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle and for her dedication to the program. This month we honor....Sara Chapper!

Sara works hard in class! I love watching her push herself during cardio! She carries herself with an ease and confidence; you’d think she has been doing this parenting thing for years and years! I’m so thrilled Sara decided to stay home and has continued with classes this Fall! ~ Instructor Claire

Sara always comes to class with a big smile on her face. She works hard the entire time and never gives up. She is never late and is always open to new challenges. I love having her in my classes! ~ Instructor Ewa

We asked Sara a few questions so we can all get to know her better, and here is what she had to say:

Who are the members of your family?

The members of my family are me, my husband Mike, my son Elior (5 months) and our 4 and ½ year old labradoodle named Juno.

What is/was your career?

I was a School Counselor until August 2018 when I decided Elie was too cute to leave everyday! Now I’m a stay-at-home-mom. I am also looking into completing my credits to become a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC).

When was your first class, and what do you remember about it?

My first class was July 5th with Claire in DTSS. Elie was 9 weeks old and slept through the entire class! I thought, this is great, we can go everyday and he’ll just nap! It hasn’t happened since. Ha! I remember that it was tough as it was my first workout postpartum, but I had so much fun; Claire was really supportive and motivating! I also remember it being very hot and humid, but that’s DC summer for ya. It felt so good to get out and sweat!

Where can we find you? What is your FIT4MOM routine these days?

I am a strictly stroller strides (say that 10 times fast) mom! I love trying all the locations, but I mostly stick to DTSS and Pike & Rose. I love being outside!

What is your favorite strides exercise?

My favorite strides exercise is cardio – anything that gets my heart rate up. I used to run half-marathons, so I usually jog or run between stations. I also love curtsy lunges.

What has being a mom taught you?

Being a mom has taught me SO much already, and I continue to learn more everyday. I’m learning patience, to take life one day (or nap!) at a time, and I am learning to let go of my need to control. Life is much more enjoyable when I can take things in stride and let the day unfold. Sometimes that means missing class, but I’ve learned to accept that instead of getting upset! There’ll always be one tomorrow.

List 3 of your favorite things.

Right now, I would say Fall (since it’s finally here!), coffee, and Elie’s giggles.

Give us a giggle- What is your funniest or most embarrassing mommy moment so far?

After my first Stroller Strides class, I was meeting some friends to walk through the Wheaton mall and get lunch. We were all in a mom group together so our kids are around the same age. When I got to the mall, Elior was hungry and I planned on giving him a bottle that my husband said he’d put in the diaper bag. But it wasn’t while I nursed Elior in the car for the first time, all these texts were coming in from the other moms as to why they were late! No one got there on time – we were all at least 30 minutes late. Mom life!

Any advice for other moms out there?

My advice is to not give other moms advice! It is so tough being a mom, whether you have one kid or three. We all need to lift each other up and accept one another fully – and be there to support in any way we’re needed – so we all feel comforted and included in this cohort!

What would you tell someone who is considering attending their first #fit4mommoco class?

If you’re considering trying your first class, just know that you will be accepted and embraced just as you are – whether you’re on time, 20 minutes late, clean, covered in spit-up, whatever! We have a great time and it keeps us sane!

Thank you, Sara for being such a valuable part of Our Village here at FIT4MOM Montgomery County! We truly appreciate you & the positive energy you bring to class and Our Village!

Check back to see who our final MOM for 2018 will be in December!